RM 1,000.00/Unit
Points to redeem: 100,000 pt

Availability: In Stock

9565 quantity available.





I hereby acknowledge that Dreamshop is a payment gateway facility offered by Enagic (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd’s financial affiliate; DCR Marketing Sdn Bhd and hereby further acknowledge that I am required to fill up the Product Application Form and to submit all relevant documents to Enagic (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd for registration purposes.


I certify that I have received a copy of and have read and understood the provisions of Enagic® (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd’s Set of Policies; Distributor Policies & Procedures, Privacy Policy, Refund Policy, Collection Policy, Commission Policy and Delivery Policy and Distributor Handbook which is published on Enagic® (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd’s website; www.enagic-my.com . I hereby agree to be bound by Enagic® (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd’s Set of Policies (including any amendments thereto which shall be furnished to me from time to time).


I confirm that I am of full legal age and all my personal information and data (“Personal Data”) stated above are complete and accurate. I hereby acknowledge that my personal information may be shared with Enagic® (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd’s related and/or affiliated company within Malaysia or outside Malaysia for the purposes of performing this agreement.


Furthermore, I hereby agree that my personal data shall be processed, stored, used and disclosed in accordance with the Enagic® (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd’s Privacy Policy.

  Agree

  Disagree


I hereby further acknowledge that I understand my ten (10) working days right of cancellation during the ten (10) working days cooling off period and

 I hereby request Enagic® (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd to release/deliver the machine before the expiry of the cooling off period and by doing so, I hereby waive my rights to cancel the contract during the ten (10) working days cooling off period.

 I wish to maintain my rights to be able to cancel the contract during the ten (10) working days cooling off period. **The Applicant is required to fill up ‘Kontrak Jualan Langsung/Pesanan Pelanggan’ (Direct Sales Contract/Customer Order). **


NOTE: ‘Kontrak Jualan Langsung/Pesanan Pelanggan’ (Direct Sales Contract/Customer Order) can be downloaded directly from Enagic (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd’s website; www.enagic-my.com