RM 53.50/Unit
Points to redeem: 5,350 pt

Availability: In Stock

49853 quantity available.


Note: Please provide your valid email address for e-voucher fulfilment purpose. Selling Price indicated here inclusive of fulfilment handling services fees RM3.50 per code. Fulfilment would be  done via email address. Please check your inbox and open the email from [email protected] to receive the digital voucher code purchased. If you do not see the email in your inbox, please check your junk mail or spam folder. 

*Voucher is in digital type
Denomination – RM50
Validation – 6 months

How to Redeem

Step 1: Click Live link in email to display barcode and alphanumeric code
Step 2: Present voucher at any Shell station over the counter
Step 3: Cashier will verify either using barcode / alphanumeric codes
Step 4: Once verified, customer may proceed with normal transaction.

How to Redeem
Step 1: Click Live link in email to display barcode and alphanumeric code
Step 2: Present voucher at any Shell station over the counter
Step 3: Cashier will verify either using barcode / alphanumeric codes
Step 4: Once verified, customer may proceed with normal transaction.

Terms & Conditions

*Valid at all Shell retail stations in Malaysia
*The Shell Voucher can only be redeemed at Shell Retail Stations for purchase of the following fuels only: Shell FuelSave 95, Shell FuelSave Diesel, Shell FuelSave Diesel Euro 5, Shell V Power 97, and Shell V-Power Racing; any of the following Shell Lubricants (Shell Helix, Shell Advance, or Shell Rimula); and any products sold within Shell Select premises or Shell Kedai premises at Shell Stations except tobacco products, E-Pay products (U-Mobile, Hotlink, Digi, Celcom etc.) and Touch 'N Go purchases.
*All products purchased at drive-through outlets, outlets of 3rd party brands located at Shell Stations are not Qualifying Purchases for the purposes of this Voucher.
*The Shell Voucher shall be valid for the value stated on the voucher until 11:59 pm on the expiry date stated on the voucher.
*Only Two (2) Shell Voucher can be used during each purchase transaction.
*Once redeemed, the Shell Voucher redemption cannot be reversed or cancelled even if the fuel pumped into the End User's vehicle is less than the amount of the Shell Voucher
*The Shell Voucher must be presented to the cashier at the relevant Shell Retail Station for validation before purchase of product is made
*The original e-voucher with the
live link must be presented and a prompt notification will be issued to the customer upon successful redemption, any screenshot of the e-voucher will not be accepted.
*Shell's decision on all matters in relation to the Shell Voucher Program or in the event of any dispute shall be final and binding and no correspondence or appeals shall be feertained Voucher purchase is strictly non cancelike and non-refundable voucher.
* For more information, please visit our website at or call Shell Hotline at 1-300-88-1808, or email to generalpublicenquiries [email protected]
* For full details on the T&C you may visit :