8 Auspicious Feng Shui Method Course - 宅命八方风水法门课程
8 Auspicious Feng Shui Method Course - 宅命八方风水法门课程
RM 3,800.00/Unit
Points to redeem: 380,000 pt
Redeemable with BonusLink Points

Availability: In Stock

299 quantity available.





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《 宅命八方风水法门课程 | 8 Auspicious Feng Shui Method Course 》

陈闻壬老师亲自教你看風水,解释家中的宅向風水!老師直接公开风水须注意的事项!改变自身命运除了努力以外!运气是非常非常重要的关键!而运势里风水就佔了50%!竟然都知道风水的重要性,那你知道八宅里四个吉位:生气,延年,天医,伏位和四个凶位:祸害,五鬼,六煞和绝命怎樣影响著你吗?那你又知道如何通过风水改变吗? 这不是玄!不是迷信!非常逻辑!時间也证明了这套方法100% 有效!

✅ 解释怎样运用您的东西四命来配合您家里的风水格局

✅ 解释家中的煞气方位

✅ 解释如何利用風水佈局來提升运勢

课程日期:3 Feb 2023 (星期五) & 4 Feb 2023 (星期六) 两天课程

课程费用:RM 3,600


Title: 宅命八方风水法门课程 - 8 Auspicious Feng Shui Method Course

Master Patrick Tan will personally past the knowledge of Feng Shui to you, mainly focusing on the Feng Shui within a house. Master will directly teach you on what are the properties in feng Shui that needs your attention. Changing one’s destiny does not solely depend on hard work, luck is also a major factor, and in Feng Shui, luck accounts for 50%!

Since you already know the importance of Feng Shui, what about the 8 auspicious Feng Shui methods on how it can affect you? Then, do you know how to make a change through Feng Shui?

This 8 Auspicious Feng Shui Method Course is not mysterious! Not Superstition and very logical! Time has also proven that this method is 100% effective!

This course will:

✅ Explain on how to use the “four lives” of your personal belongings to match the Feng Shui pattern within your home

✅ Explain the inharmonious location within your home

✅ Explain on how to use the Feng Shui layout to improve your luck